My name is Xingyu (Tiger) Cheng. I am a 3rd year mathematics PhD student at UNC Chapel Hill working under Prakash Belkale. I received my undergraduate degree at Purdue University in 2021 with a BS in mathematics and with minors in German and Computer Science. I am roughly interested in algebraic geometry and representation theory. I think a lot about moduli of vector bundles on curves and local systems.
xcheng1 (at) unc (dot) edu
At UNC I've had the opportunity to be a graduate student mentor for the Directed Reading Program (DRP):
The Directed Reading Program (DRP) pairs undergraduate students with graduate student mentors for semester-long independent study projects. It is an opportunity for motivated students to get one-on-one mentorship as they learn about a math topic of their interest but is out of the scope of the courses offered at UNC. Topics can include specific problems of interest, more in-depth learning about a course topic, or an introduction to higher level math.